What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly

Posted January 27, 2010 | Laura Christianson

Recently I featured a guest post from Beth Willis Miller, “Develop your imagination in social media.” Today Beth sent me a link to a cool interactive online quiz called The Strong Life Test for Women.

I immediately took the free test (23 questions; takes 5-10 minutes, depending on whether you’ve downed any caffeine recently).

My test results tell me that my “lead role” is “teacher.” No surprise there; I spent the first 11 years of my career teaching high school English and journalism; now I teach adults at conferences and through my consulting.

The test re-affirmed my calling to coach businesspeople how to improve their social media skills:

Your smartest career move:
Any job where you’re paid to facilitate the success of others.

That sentence resonates strongly with me. As I’ve been developing the Blogging Bistro brand, I have continuously told myself (and my poor husband), “I love helping others. I love playing a part in growing someone else’s business or ministry.”

My test results also inform me that my “supporting role” is “Creator.” As a Creator, my smartest career move is any job where I’m paid to produce new content.

Blogging comes to mind. And Twitter. And article writing.

For me, The Strong Life Test for Women confirmed that I’m on the right career track during this season of my life. It helped me to solidify my core brand message.

As for Beth Miller, the test inspired her to create an elevator pitch about why she uses social media.

And for Marcus Buckingham, whose latest book is not-so-coincidentally titled, Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently, the test is a terrific promotional tool.

Your turn!  Take the test below right now. Tell us one key thing you learned about yourself, or how you’re going to use your test results.

P.S. If you’re a man, you can take the test, too. We won’t tell.

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30 responses to “What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly”

  1. Marti Pieper says:

    Well, Laura, I guess we have a lot in common. My results mirrored yours. I’ve homeschooled my children for a number of years so I suppose the “teacher” role is a natural. And the “creator” one? I’m a book doctor/writer/editor so I’d say this one’s a match, too.

    What I learned relates to something I believe God has for me in the future: sharing some of the things I’ve learned (and continue to learn) on my writing journey. When my website and blog launch next week, I hope to do exactly that. I also recognized my tendency to place a little too much trust in others and think with my heart rather than my head. Everyone can learn–but not everyone is willing to be taught.

    I appreciate your wise insights and look forward to meeting you at the Florida Christian Writers Conference in March. Blessings!

  2. Marti Pieper says:

    Well, Laura, I guess we have a lot in common. My results mirrored yours. I’ve homeschooled my children for a number of years so I suppose the “teacher” role is a natural. And the “creator” one? I’m a book doctor/writer/editor so I’d say this one’s a match, too.

    What I learned relates to something I believe God has for me in the future: sharing some of the things I’ve learned (and continue to learn) on my writing journey. When my website and blog launch next week, I hope to do exactly that. I also recognized my tendency to place a little too much trust in others and think with my heart rather than my head. Everyone can learn–but not everyone is willing to be taught.

    I appreciate your wise insights and look forward to meeting you at the Florida Christian Writers Conference in March. Blessings!

  3. Marti Pieper says:

    Well, Laura, I guess we have a lot in common. My results mirrored yours. I’ve homeschooled my children for a number of years so I suppose the “teacher” role is a natural. And the “creator” one? I’m a book doctor/writer/editor so I’d say this one’s a match, too.

    What I learned relates to something I believe God has for me in the future: sharing some of the things I’ve learned (and continue to learn) on my writing journey. When my website and blog launch next week, I hope to do exactly that. I also recognized my tendency to place a little too much trust in others and think with my heart rather than my head. Everyone can learn–but not everyone is willing to be taught.

    I appreciate your wise insights and look forward to meeting you at the Florida Christian Writers Conference in March. Blessings!

  4. Marti Pieper says:

    Well, Laura, I guess we have a lot in common. My results mirrored yours. I’ve homeschooled my children for a number of years so I suppose the “teacher” role is a natural. And the “creator” one? I’m a book doctor/writer/editor so I’d say this one’s a match, too.

    What I learned relates to something I believe God has for me in the future: sharing some of the things I’ve learned (and continue to learn) on my writing journey. When my website and blog launch next week, I hope to do exactly that. I also recognized my tendency to place a little too much trust in others and think with my heart rather than my head. Everyone can learn–but not everyone is willing to be taught.

    I appreciate your wise insights and look forward to meeting you at the Florida Christian Writers Conference in March. Blessings!

  5. Brenda says:

    The quiz reported that my lead role was Creator and my secondary role is Advisor. LOVE this. I get the most pleasure out of writing my blog about my child, autism, and special needs. Law was my former life. This is spot on! Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..Possible Spring Cleaning =-.

  6. Brenda says:

    The quiz reported that my lead role was Creator and my secondary role is Advisor. LOVE this. I get the most pleasure out of writing my blog about my child, autism, and special needs. Law was my former life. This is spot on! Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..Possible Spring Cleaning =-.

  7. Brenda says:

    The quiz reported that my lead role was Creator and my secondary role is Advisor. LOVE this. I get the most pleasure out of writing my blog about my child, autism, and special needs. Law was my former life. This is spot on! Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..Possible Spring Cleaning =-.

  8. Brenda says:

    The quiz reported that my lead role was Creator and my secondary role is Advisor. LOVE this. I get the most pleasure out of writing my blog about my child, autism, and special needs. Law was my former life. This is spot on! Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Brenda´s last blog ..Possible Spring Cleaning =-.

  9. Brenda,

    It’s neat that the test results can affirm that you’re on the right track in terms of following your passion and giftings. When I took the test, I was tempted to overthink some questions and not answer as honestly as I should, but I resisted the temptation and just went with my initial gut response, no matter how un-politically correct it seemed.
    .-= Laura Christianson´s last blog ..What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly =-.

  10. Brenda,

    It’s neat that the test results can affirm that you’re on the right track in terms of following your passion and giftings. When I took the test, I was tempted to overthink some questions and not answer as honestly as I should, but I resisted the temptation and just went with my initial gut response, no matter how un-politically correct it seemed.
    .-= Laura Christianson´s last blog ..What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly =-.

  11. Brenda,

    It’s neat that the test results can affirm that you’re on the right track in terms of following your passion and giftings. When I took the test, I was tempted to overthink some questions and not answer as honestly as I should, but I resisted the temptation and just went with my initial gut response, no matter how un-politically correct it seemed.
    .-= Laura Christianson´s last blog ..What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly =-.

  12. Brenda,

    It’s neat that the test results can affirm that you’re on the right track in terms of following your passion and giftings. When I took the test, I was tempted to overthink some questions and not answer as honestly as I should, but I resisted the temptation and just went with my initial gut response, no matter how un-politically correct it seemed.
    .-= Laura Christianson´s last blog ..What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly =-.

  13. Anita says:

    Hi Laura,

    I took the StrongLife Test and my results state that my lead role is a Motivator and in reading about that role it described me to a tee. I am an optimist by nature, and I’m always ready to jump in and support, motivate and get things going. In that role I have occassionally felt “sucked dry by emotional vampires” but I’m learning to set boudaries and use the word “no” more frequently.

    My supporting role is that of Teacher, which is also totally me! I love to learn and share what I learn with others. I’m always ready to provide direction and guidance to those who ask for it and believe people are capable of more than what they think they are.

    This was really interesting and fun and gave me a lot to think about, thanks for posting this on your blog.

  14. Anita says:

    Hi Laura,

    I took the StrongLife Test and my results state that my lead role is a Motivator and in reading about that role it described me to a tee. I am an optimist by nature, and I’m always ready to jump in and support, motivate and get things going. In that role I have occassionally felt “sucked dry by emotional vampires” but I’m learning to set boudaries and use the word “no” more frequently.

    My supporting role is that of Teacher, which is also totally me! I love to learn and share what I learn with others. I’m always ready to provide direction and guidance to those who ask for it and believe people are capable of more than what they think they are.

    This was really interesting and fun and gave me a lot to think about, thanks for posting this on your blog.

  15. Anita says:

    Hi Laura,

    I took the StrongLife Test and my results state that my lead role is a Motivator and in reading about that role it described me to a tee. I am an optimist by nature, and I’m always ready to jump in and support, motivate and get things going. In that role I have occassionally felt “sucked dry by emotional vampires” but I’m learning to set boudaries and use the word “no” more frequently.

    My supporting role is that of Teacher, which is also totally me! I love to learn and share what I learn with others. I’m always ready to provide direction and guidance to those who ask for it and believe people are capable of more than what they think they are.

    This was really interesting and fun and gave me a lot to think about, thanks for posting this on your blog.

  16. Anita says:

    Hi Laura,

    I took the StrongLife Test and my results state that my lead role is a Motivator and in reading about that role it described me to a tee. I am an optimist by nature, and I’m always ready to jump in and support, motivate and get things going. In that role I have occassionally felt “sucked dry by emotional vampires” but I’m learning to set boudaries and use the word “no” more frequently.

    My supporting role is that of Teacher, which is also totally me! I love to learn and share what I learn with others. I’m always ready to provide direction and guidance to those who ask for it and believe people are capable of more than what they think they are.

    This was really interesting and fun and gave me a lot to think about, thanks for posting this on your blog.

  17. Johnnie says:

    Laura, this was a fun test, but left me confused! I’m a Motivator and it’s true that I’m naturally optimistic. And it’s also true that in smaller groups, I’ll step in if there’s a leadership vacuum. (I love leading Bible studies.) My supporting role is Weaver. I’m genuinely curious and trust my friends.

    But these are “people-focused” roles. How do they fit in with my introspective, introverted life? My joy of creating (inhabiting) the imaginary worlds where my protagonists dwell? Of spending hours (and hours) reading and writing?

    Guess I need to get a copy of the book!
    .-= Johnnie´s last blog ..Reading Challenge: 10-10-10 =-.

  18. Johnnie says:

    Laura, this was a fun test, but left me confused! I’m a Motivator and it’s true that I’m naturally optimistic. And it’s also true that in smaller groups, I’ll step in if there’s a leadership vacuum. (I love leading Bible studies.) My supporting role is Weaver. I’m genuinely curious and trust my friends.

    But these are “people-focused” roles. How do they fit in with my introspective, introverted life? My joy of creating (inhabiting) the imaginary worlds where my protagonists dwell? Of spending hours (and hours) reading and writing?

    Guess I need to get a copy of the book!
    .-= Johnnie´s last blog ..Reading Challenge: 10-10-10 =-.

  19. Johnnie says:

    Laura, this was a fun test, but left me confused! I’m a Motivator and it’s true that I’m naturally optimistic. And it’s also true that in smaller groups, I’ll step in if there’s a leadership vacuum. (I love leading Bible studies.) My supporting role is Weaver. I’m genuinely curious and trust my friends.

    But these are “people-focused” roles. How do they fit in with my introspective, introverted life? My joy of creating (inhabiting) the imaginary worlds where my protagonists dwell? Of spending hours (and hours) reading and writing?

    Guess I need to get a copy of the book!
    .-= Johnnie´s last blog ..Reading Challenge: 10-10-10 =-.

  20. Johnnie says:

    Laura, this was a fun test, but left me confused! I’m a Motivator and it’s true that I’m naturally optimistic. And it’s also true that in smaller groups, I’ll step in if there’s a leadership vacuum. (I love leading Bible studies.) My supporting role is Weaver. I’m genuinely curious and trust my friends.

    But these are “people-focused” roles. How do they fit in with my introspective, introverted life? My joy of creating (inhabiting) the imaginary worlds where my protagonists dwell? Of spending hours (and hours) reading and writing?

    Guess I need to get a copy of the book!
    .-= Johnnie´s last blog ..Reading Challenge: 10-10-10 =-.

  21. Johnnie,

    I guess you’ll have to read the author’s book to find out how to mesh all this people-focused stuff with your introverted nature.

    I’m an introvert too, and was tagged as “teacher,” so maybe the test focuses on the external parts of our persona. Or maybe you are just completely off-base in your self-evaluation!

    My take is that we are all multi-faceted and multi-gifted — “tests” like this simply help point out our “leanings.” Even introverts can be optimistic, highly-motivating leaders! We just do it quietly.
    .-= Laura Christianson´s last blog ..What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly =-.

  22. Johnnie,

    I guess you’ll have to read the author’s book to find out how to mesh all this people-focused stuff with your introverted nature.

    I’m an introvert too, and was tagged as “teacher,” so maybe the test focuses on the external parts of our persona. Or maybe you are just completely off-base in your self-evaluation!

    My take is that we are all multi-faceted and multi-gifted — “tests” like this simply help point out our “leanings.” Even introverts can be optimistic, highly-motivating leaders! We just do it quietly.
    .-= Laura Christianson´s last blog ..What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly =-.

  23. Johnnie,

    I guess you’ll have to read the author’s book to find out how to mesh all this people-focused stuff with your introverted nature.

    I’m an introvert too, and was tagged as “teacher,” so maybe the test focuses on the external parts of our persona. Or maybe you are just completely off-base in your self-evaluation!

    My take is that we are all multi-faceted and multi-gifted — “tests” like this simply help point out our “leanings.” Even introverts can be optimistic, highly-motivating leaders! We just do it quietly.
    .-= Laura Christianson´s last blog ..What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly =-.

  24. Johnnie,

    I guess you’ll have to read the author’s book to find out how to mesh all this people-focused stuff with your introverted nature.

    I’m an introvert too, and was tagged as “teacher,” so maybe the test focuses on the external parts of our persona. Or maybe you are just completely off-base in your self-evaluation!

    My take is that we are all multi-faceted and multi-gifted — “tests” like this simply help point out our “leanings.” Even introverts can be optimistic, highly-motivating leaders! We just do it quietly.
    .-= Laura Christianson´s last blog ..What Role Were You Born to Play? Take the Test & Find Out Instantly =-.

  25. Johnnie says:

    I’m “ordered” the book from the public library so I can check out what the author has to say. And I appreciate your positive encouragement. Looking forward to seeing you at the FCWC. Don’t forget that you promised (months and months ago) to have a meal with us (the Kindred Heart Writers).
    .-= Johnnie´s last blog ..Reading Challenge: 10-10-10 =-.

  26. Johnnie says:

    I’m “ordered” the book from the public library so I can check out what the author has to say. And I appreciate your positive encouragement. Looking forward to seeing you at the FCWC. Don’t forget that you promised (months and months ago) to have a meal with us (the Kindred Heart Writers).
    .-= Johnnie´s last blog ..Reading Challenge: 10-10-10 =-.

  27. Johnnie says:

    I’m “ordered” the book from the public library so I can check out what the author has to say. And I appreciate your positive encouragement. Looking forward to seeing you at the FCWC. Don’t forget that you promised (months and months ago) to have a meal with us (the Kindred Heart Writers).
    .-= Johnnie´s last blog ..Reading Challenge: 10-10-10 =-.

  28. Johnnie says:

    I’m “ordered” the book from the public library so I can check out what the author has to say. And I appreciate your positive encouragement. Looking forward to seeing you at the FCWC. Don’t forget that you promised (months and months ago) to have a meal with us (the Kindred Heart Writers).
    .-= Johnnie´s last blog ..Reading Challenge: 10-10-10 =-.

  29. […] is a guest post by Johnnie Donley. Johnnie read my post about The Strong Life Test for Women and volunteered to review the book it was based […]

  30. […] is a guest post by Johnnie Donley. Johnnie read my post about The Strong Life Test for Women and volunteered to review the book it was based […]

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