Should You Warn Readers When You’re Taking a Vacation from Blogging?

Posted July 13, 2010 | Laura Christianson

Dear Blogging Barista,

I am going on vacation for two weeks and I don’t plan to blog while I’m away. I can’t find the time to write posts in advance, so I know my blog will be nothing but “dead air” for a while. Should I give notice to my readers that I’m not going to be blogging during that time?

People ask me this question all the time and I admit – I struggle with it, too. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you may have noticed that things have been quiet in the Blogging Bistro during the past three weeks. That’s because I have been on vacation!

My son celebrates life at the beach

And no, I didn’t forewarn you that I’d be away from my computer. I had good intentions of keeping you entertained while I was away. I was going to crank out a bunch of posts the week before I left and pre-schedule them. But we took on several new clients that week, and my first priority is working with my clients. I was going to write posts while I was at the beach. Yeah, right. The sand, sea, and sun beckoned, and I couldn’t muster up any motivation to write.

But even if I had gotten around to writing and scheduling those posts, I wouldn’t have told you I was going on vacation. It’s one of my unwritten blogging policies. I think it stems from reading far too many blogs in which the author announces that she’s taking a break from blogging. She claims she’s announcing her departure as a courtesy to their readers, but I wonder whether it’s more to stave off her own guilt.

When bloggers do warn me in advance that they’ll be gone, I tend to stop reading their blog. Why? I don’t know. But a psychologist could probably explain it to me.

Far too often, bloggers announce that they’re going to take “a short break” and I don’t hear from them again for months. Telling people you’re going to stop the presses gives some bloggers carte blanche to stop the presses – forever.

Finally, I believe bloggers get easily misled into thinking too highly of ourselves. “My readers will worry about me if I don’t blog! How will my fans get through their day without reading my wonderful nuggets of wisdom?”

Trust me; your readers will survive without you. The earth will continue to spin on its axis. The sun will continue to shine (everywhere except Seattle, that is, where the rain will continue to rain). The sad fact of the blogging life is that the vast majority of your readers don’t care about you. Not much, anyway.

They care about themselves. They care about what they are going to get from your blog that will solve their problems or make them smile. They will continue to function relatively normally if they don’t hear from you every day – or even every week.

So give yourself a break, dear blogger. If you need a vacation, take one. Don’t apologize. When you return from your blogging break, you’ll be rejuvenated and ready to pound out witty posts (like this one!) that ooze humility.

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30 responses to “Should You Warn Readers When You’re Taking a Vacation from Blogging?”

  1. Kay Shostak says:

    Also – be wary of announcing that you'll be going out of town. Several thefts have been linked to folks posting they will be away on blogs, or facebook, etc… I try to leave it open ended or arrange for something to be posted by someone else.

  2. Kay Shostak says:

    Also – be wary of announcing that you'll be going out of town. Several thefts have been linked to folks posting they will be away on blogs, or facebook, etc… I try to leave it open ended or arrange for something to be posted by someone else.

  3. Juli Monroe says:

    I think you posted on this topic several months ago. And I took your advice. I used to be one of those bloggers who announced my blogging breaks. Now I just go away and start posting when I get back. Another reason to not have an “I'm going on vacation” post. Do you really want that to be the top post on your blog for a week? Wouldn't it be better to have a really strong post that stays on that top spot for a while?

  4. Juli Monroe says:

    I think you posted on this topic several months ago. And I took your advice. I used to be one of those bloggers who announced my blogging breaks. Now I just go away and start posting when I get back. Another reason to not have an “I'm going on vacation” post. Do you really want that to be the top post on your blog for a week? Wouldn't it be better to have a really strong post that stays on that top spot for a while?

  5. Thanks for the confirmation! I was wondering this exact thing because I was away and couldn't get posts together ahead of time. Ooooh – I feel so validated… thank you!!!

  6. Thanks for the confirmation! I was wondering this exact thing because I was away and couldn't get posts together ahead of time. Ooooh – I feel so validated… thank you!!!

  7. Jan says:

    I agree with Kay. I've heard it's risky to announce anywhere on the internet that you'll be out of town.

  8. Jan says:

    I agree with Kay. I've heard it's risky to announce anywhere on the internet that you'll be out of town.

  9. Just wishing you a great time of making memories with your family!

  10. Just wishing you a great time of making memories with your family!

  11. Kay – Most definitely be wary! All these smartphone apps that let you announce where you are every minute of the day worry me. Seems like TMI (Too Much Information). Having people guest post for you while you're away keeps the momentum going. Thanks for your tips.

  12. Kay – Most definitely be wary! All these smartphone apps that let you announce where you are every minute of the day worry me. Seems like TMI (Too Much Information). Having people guest post for you while you're away keeps the momentum going. Thanks for your tips.

  13. Juli – Yes, I did post on this a while back. Excellent reminder about leaving a strong post at the top spot while you're away. I try to do just that. In that strong post, be sure to include links to posts from your archives, to encourage readers to dig deeper into your site.

  14. Juli – Yes, I did post on this a while back. Excellent reminder about leaving a strong post at the top spot while you're away. I try to do just that. In that strong post, be sure to include links to posts from your archives, to encourage readers to dig deeper into your site.

  15. Susan — Always happy to validate a fellow blogger. Thanks for your comment!

  16. Susan — Always happy to validate a fellow blogger. Thanks for your comment!

  17. Ditto.

    I wrote an article about a website called “Please Rob Me” that addresses that very issue:

    And here's my related article on why you shouldn't apologize for taking a hiatus from blogging:

  18. Ditto.

    I wrote an article about a website called “Please Rob Me” that addresses that very issue:

    And here's my related article on why you shouldn't apologize for taking a hiatus from blogging:

  19. Thanks so much, Johnnie. We did have a great time — and plan to take more getaways this summer (although I won't announce when).

  20. Thanks so much, Johnnie. We did have a great time — and plan to take more getaways this summer (although I won't announce when).

  21. Mark says:

    Sometimes if I know I will not be able to post for a few days I go back and rewrite a few older posts.

    Not everyone visits every day, so it is new to many, and the chance to revisit a thought helps me to refine the language.

  22. Mark says:

    Sometimes if I know I will not be able to post for a few days I go back and rewrite a few older posts.

    Not everyone visits every day, so it is new to many, and the chance to revisit a thought helps me to refine the language.

  23. Excellent idea, Mark! Freshening up those posts in your archives is always a good idea. I've been blogging since 2004, and I'll sometimes take a 6-year-old post, unpublish it from my blog, rewrite it, and re-publish it as a completely new article.

  24. Excellent idea, Mark! Freshening up those posts in your archives is always a good idea. I've been blogging since 2004, and I'll sometimes take a 6-year-old post, unpublish it from my blog, rewrite it, and re-publish it as a completely new article.

  25. MByerly says:

    If I have to stop blogging for a personal emergency, etc., I usually announce it, and I ask that those who don't want to miss my return to join the Yahoogroups version of my blog so the next new blog will arrive to tell them I'm back.

  26. MByerly says:

    If I have to stop blogging for a personal emergency, etc., I usually announce it, and I ask that those who don't want to miss my return to join the Yahoogroups version of my blog so the next new blog will arrive to tell them I'm back.

  27. Does the Yahoo Groups notification work well for you? My concern would be that my readers might not want to sign up for an extra Yahoo Group.

  28. Does the Yahoo Groups notification work well for you? My concern would be that my readers might not want to sign up for an extra Yahoo Group.

  29. MByerly says:

    So far, I've had no problem with the Yahoogroups. When I promote it, I clearly state that the group will only be one-way (me to them), and it will only be used to send my blog contents, not for spam, although I do have an occasional link to my workshops at the bottom of each blog.

    I started it before there were so many other choices available for sending the blog content (RSS feed, etc.), and I've added other means as I've learned of them.

    I figure that different options give people at least one they are comfortable with.

  30. MByerly says:

    So far, I've had no problem with the Yahoogroups. When I promote it, I clearly state that the group will only be one-way (me to them), and it will only be used to send my blog contents, not for spam, although I do have an occasional link to my workshops at the bottom of each blog.

    I started it before there were so many other choices available for sending the blog content (RSS feed, etc.), and I've added other means as I've learned of them.

    I figure that different options give people at least one they are comfortable with.

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