83 – Get Visibility Through Other People’s Platforms, with Lisa Simone Richards

Posted March 14, 2022 | Laura Christianson
Get Visibility Through Other People’s Platforms, with Lisa Simone Richards
The Professional Writer
83 – Get Visibility Through Other People’s Platforms, with Lisa Simone Richards


Does this scenario sound familiar?

You do a tremendous amount of work to craft and fine-tune your content, whether that’s a book, blog post, workshop, podcast episode, Instagram Reel (or all of the above).

You put it out there and it gets lost in a crowded marketplace, where every other writer is trying equally hard to get the word out about their creations.

After a while, you begin to wonder, Is anyone seeing this? Does anyone even care?

When it comes to getting seen, where do you start?

Today’s guest, Lisa Simone Richards, is a PR & Visibility Strategist for people who want to go from “invisible” to “in-demand.” She helps people build their authority as an expert through getting featured on blogs, interviewed on podcasts and for TV shows, and partnering with industry influencers.

Get Visibility Through Other People’s Platforms, with Lisa Simone Richards

Here’s a quick outline of the topics Lisa and I discuss.

Scroll down the page for detailed notes.

  • The differences between owned media, social media, paid media, and earned media
  • 3 pros of earned media
  • Questions to ask yourself when seeking earned media opportunities
  • Why it’s important to be proactive about “making the ask”
  • Hot tips for pitching yourself
  • How to climb the ladder of publicity
  • How to work through the fear of putting yourself out there

Word Nerd Moment

Owned media: A platform you own – such as your website, your blog, your e-newsletter – where you create and control the content.

Social media: Written, video, and audio content you publish to a social media platform that helps you find and connect with your ideal audience.

Paid media: Paid advertising (Facebook and Instagram ads, Google ads, sponsorships) where you target the audience you want to serve your content to.

Earned media: Somewhere out there, somebody has your ideal audience rounded up, whether is at a live event, in a Facebook group or Mastermind, or listening to a specific podcast. You show up, give value, and share your expertise with their audience, gaining exposure via their platforms.

3 Pros of Earned Media

Credibility – When a colleague or influencer features you on their platform, you gain credibility. Because their audience already trusts them, that trust is extended to you.

Searchability – If someone googles the topic you’re speaking about, they may discover you on your colleague’s platform.

Cost-Effective – It doesn’t cost you money to appear on someone else’s platform. You show up and provide value, while simultaneously building your own authority, expert status, and endorsement.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Seeking Earned Media Opportunities

  1. Where are the places my ideal reader is paying attention?
  2. How can I add value to that conversation and get access to that platform?

Be Proactive About “Making the Ask”

As you’re building credibility, proactively put yourself out there and make the ask.

Ask for an appearance on a podcast.

Ask to speak on the stage.

As you build a name and a reputation and as people get to know who you are, opportunities will start to land in your inbox.

“When you post content only on your own platform, you’re getting in front of only your existing followers.”

Your social media platform will not show your content to all of your followers.

If your sales feel stagnant, ask yourself whether you are reaching new people or you are marketing to the same individuals over and over again?

Before people buy your book, many of them will research you. They want to find out where you’re showing up.

If you show up only on your own platforms, that doesn’t position you with a ton of authority. When you can be seen on multiple platforms, your brand elevates. You’re no longer just another writer. You’re starting to position yourself as “the writer.”

Hot tips for pitching yourself

First, decide which of the ABCs of visibility you want to pursue. Ask yourself, “What’s my purpose in being seen?” Do I want to build…

Awareness – So people know you exist.

Buzz – When you’re launching a book or program or service, it gets talked about everywhere, increasing your chances of someone buying it.

Credibility – Establishing a name for yourself.

Second, identify the gatekeepers (the correct person to contact)

  • Television – Segment producer
  • Magazines – Editor
  • Website or blog – Freelance writer or contributor
  • Podcast – Host
  • Facebook Group – Check the “About” tab to learn who admins or owns the group

Once you identify the correct person, identify their purpose for being on the platform. Then align yourself with their vision.

Show some familiarity. Pay attention to the person you’re reaching out to. Do they even accept guests on their podcast, blog, webinar, etc.? Listen to an episode or two of their podcast. Read some of their blog posts. Visit their website. Follow them on social media.

When you prepare your pitch, don’t make it about yourself. Instead, lead with the value you’ll bring to their platform. Briefly bullet the points their audience will walk away with.

Focus on the takeaway. What’s in it for the audience? Clearly outline what the audience will be able to do after they’ve consumed the content you create.

Make it your goal for every person who listens, reads, or attends to leave richer than they came.

Follow up. Within 5-7 days of sending your pitch, follow up with the individual.

Be willing to start on a smaller stage, where you can practice and build confidence without the pressure of appearing on a national media outlet.

Local media outlets aren’t as prestigious as The Today Show or Good Morning America, but you’re more likely to find your ideal audience there. Once you’ve been featured in local media, you can apply for bigger stages.

Which “stage” makes the most sense for you, in terms of boosting your credibility?

How to climb the ladder of publicity

Ladder of publicity

Build a healthy media mix

We consume content in three ways, and each of us has our preferred mode:

  1. Reading
  2. Listening
  3. Watching

The ladder is a good way to ensure that you’re reaching people who learn and consume content in different ways– by reading, listening, or watching.

Written Content – Contribute guest articles to blogs that get more traffic than yours. Get interviewed on someone’s website or blog. Write for print publications, such as newspapers or magazines.

Audio Content – Guest on podcasts. Co-host or moderate a room on Clubhouse. Appear on a local radio station. Audio gives you the opportunity to refine and test your message and to get comfortable delivering it without the pressure of being on camera. Plus, podcast hosts and radio stations often edit the content to help you sound your best.

Visual Content – Speak on a live or virtual stage, appear on a local or national television show, do a guest training in someone’s Mastermind, do a Facebook Live or Instagram TV on someone else’s Facebook or Instagram account. With visual content, people get the best sense of your personality and energy.

As you climb the rungs of the ladder of publicity, you’ll get in front of a new audience, so you’re not just speaking to people on your own platform.

As you climb the ladder, your confidence develops and you will begin to show up more powerfully.

Work through fear

Create your not-so-humble brag sheet. Unapologetically grab a piece of paper. Write down:

Starting as far back as high school, how much time have I invested in getting good at my craft?

  • Have I spent years getting an education or certification?
  • Have I done internships?
  • What past jobs have contributed to where I am now? Life experiences?
  • What awards have I won?
  • What results have I created for myself?
  • What results have I created for others?

How much money have I invested in learning about and practicing my craft?

  • Coaches, consultants, classes, conferences?

This exercise reminds you It reminds you of the skills and knowledge you have that you may take for granted.

It reminds you of who you are, how you shine, and the special, unique way you have of sharing your message.

Your voice and your message is worthy, and it deserves to be out there and heard.

Massive Action Steps

Step #1

Every week, make one “ask” for visibility. Ask to be a guest on a podcast. Ask to be on a Facebook Live.

Make 52 “asks” over the course of a year. At the end of the year, evaluate your results.

Step #2

If you’d like to write for websites, blogs, magazines, etc., open Google search.

  1. What category do I want to get in front of?
  2. Google “write for us” followed by your subject matter expertise/specialty/topic.


“write for us mental health”

“write for us devotionals”

“write for us fiction”

The results will show websites looking for subject matter experts to contribute content. Check out their writers guidelines and follow them when submitting content.

About Lisa Simone Richards

Lisa Simone RichardsLisa is a PR & Visibility Strategist for coaches who want to get more eyes on their business.

Through her free workshops, masterclasses and mentorship program, she gives you the insider secrets on how to get exposure and reach more people without spinning your wheels on social media or wasting money on Facebook ads.

Her clients learn the lather-rinse-repeat formula for more visibility which makes them more sales. They go from invisible to in-demand getting interviewed on top podcasts, partnering with big names in their industry and building their authority expert status getting featured on major media like FOX, NBC, Forbes, Inc., and more.

On weekends you can find her playing in the kitchen with her fiancée, petting ALL the dogs in the park, and watching way too many fashion styling videos on YouTube.

Find Lisa at LisaSimoneRichards.com (request her free Perfect Podcast Pitch template from the form at the bottom of her HOME page)

Episode 57: How to Land a Literary Agent, With Barb Roose (Barb gives tips for leveraging other people’s platforms)

Episode 64: Writing Books for a Big 5 Publisher, with Susan Meissner (Susan offers practical tips for partnering with other authors in your niche)

Episode 54: 6 Surefire Ways to Guarantee Your Guest Blogging Pitch Gets Rejected

Episode 55: Guest Post Guidelines: What to Include (you need guidelines if you plan to invite people to guest post on your blog)

Episode 70: 5 Quick, Easy, and Free Ways to Gain Visibility as a Writer

Episode 72: Costs of Self-Publishing a Book, with Lisa Baldwin

Episode 76: Costs of Marketing and Promoting Your Book, with Amy Connell

Episode 78: When Should I Start Marketing My Book?

Episode 15: Expert Tips for Your Book Launch, with Kathi Lipp

Episode 18: Swag Ideas for Your Book Launch, with Lindsay A. Franklin

Episode 51: Preparing for an eBook Launch, with Dianne Marie Andre

How to Keep Up With the Show

Essential Resources for Running a Writing Business from Laura Christianson of BloggingBistro.com

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