Need a Burst of Creativity? Switch Your ‘Mouse’ Hand

Posted October 1, 2010 | Laura Christianson

Have you ever stared at your computer, waiting for inspiration to strike?Mouse

Here’s a quick tip I picked up at Daniel Scocco’s DailyBlogTips:

Use your non-dominant hand to operate your mouse.

It’s all about stimulating those neural connections between the right and left sides of your brain, says Daniel.  Doing something out-of-the-ordinary exercises your brain and may jolt it right out of writer’s block.

So, move that mouse to the opposite side of your computer right now and give it a try.

How does it feel?

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2 responses to “Need a Burst of Creativity? Switch Your ‘Mouse’ Hand”

  1. Mark Cahill says:

    Great observation – I use a left handed mouse generally, but since I use so many random computers, I am forever switching back and forth. The best is watching someone pickup my mouse, move it back and forth, then give up in disgust…

    As someone who’s ambidextrous, I find it’s more a case of using what feels right at the particular time. I often am in the middle of some fine motor skill and feel the overwhelming urge to switch hands.

  2. Mark Cahill says:

    Great observation – I use a left handed mouse generally, but since I use so many random computers, I am forever switching back and forth. The best is watching someone pickup my mouse, move it back and forth, then give up in disgust…

    As someone who’s ambidextrous, I find it’s more a case of using what feels right at the particular time. I often am in the middle of some fine motor skill and feel the overwhelming urge to switch hands.

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